


Resource TypePosted On
Conversion of DateJul 14
String to String (Date conversion)Apr 16
biweekly to monthly date conversionsDec 31
converter of Gregorian date to jalali dateNov 16
Model to Dto conversionApr 30
Type conversion errorJan 04
c# conversionJan 22
conversion to an exe fileJul 14
unicode char set conversionJun 02
Type conversionFeb 28
conversion helpApr 06
sapdb to oracle conversion with jdbc?Nov 18
generic conversion utility which can convert the resultset in the Hierarchical X...Feb 18
conversion of object to stringNov 02
Character ascii conversionDec 17
Need Some Help with a Text Editor - XML ConversionJan 17
Conversion ProjectDec 22
Base32 Conversion to Decimal converstionNov 23
Needs Help on Time conversion using VBAMar 02
Excel to PDF Conversion in .NETAug 24
AMR conversion java library out there ?Nov 05
Conversion of Numerics into WordsJan 16
conversion of csv file to excel formatFeb 26
Disabling default automatic data type conversions etc.Sep 05
Video Conversion Feb 19
Oledb conversion from VB to C#Jun 28
Sort a list of dates in x86 (masm32). Aug 13
Dating Software Full Source Code Asp.net with msaccessFeb 28
Converting datesOct 10
Excel 2000: Modifying the date with DTPicker does not fire AfterUpdNov 13
Counting weekends between dates - in Excel VBOct 07
Find a date over & overDec 15
Is this cell formatted as a date?Feb 10
Subtraction of Date/Time ValuesNov 12
Code for Pivot table date changeNov 25
Date and TimeJan 02
User Form Date ValidationMar 01
Search for date in columnMar 02
Problem Displaying DatesFeb 26
Using the date as part of the file nameDec 27
using todays date as file nameOct 21
Insert missing date/merge two spreadsheetsAug 28
Problem with date formats and searchingAug 27
Date range in pivot tableAug 25
Code for date rangesNov 14
Obtaining the date modified property of a file from within Excel VBAOct 05
date formarFeb 16
date control in java Nov 24
date control on swing Nov 24
Specific cell date value to trigger msg boxMar 03